Actually, long time ago I've once said that I would not wear any make up for the rest of my life. However, my stance have changed by the time. It is just because that I always have a pale face whenever I go and take a pic of myself. It is kinda scary y'know looking at my own face just like someone who has a serious disease waiting the time of death. So, yaa i'm growing up and yess I do learn how to make up but it is not a heavy make up look. Just to make my face look natural and like a normal people. Somehow I still got no confident to go to class (or any place that there are people I know) with make up on my face. That's why I still learn how to make up to look more natural/like I'm not wearing make up but actually I do.
How do I look? HIHI |
With or without spec |
I end my post with a question to you guys, am I succeed doing the make up look?
Love, Eamπππ